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Step by Step Guide to Obtaining Planning Permission

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Site Visit and Client Requirements

The first step is understanding your requirements and providing ideas which can work with your property. Every project is different and has its own set of challenges. There are a number of different factors which need to be considered to ensure that your proposal will meet your local authority's planning legislation.

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Measured Survey

The next stage is to conduct a measured survey. This is where your existing property is measured to the finest detail to obtain room sizes, wall thickness, door openings, columns/other structural elements, window sizes, drain positions, floor zone depths, room heights and much more. It is essential to make sure that the measured survey is as accurate as it can be to prevent your proposed design not working with the existing building.

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Existing and First Draft Proposed Floor Plans and Elevations are Produced

By using all the information from the measured survey, the existing plans and elevations can be drawn. Once these plans are in place the proposed plans and 3D models can be created.

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Refining Proposed

Once the initial set of drawings have been produced, you can make as many changes as you would like, to ensure that you are satisfied with the proposal. Some of the items you should be checking are room layouts, room sizes, finishing materials (external only at this time), position of doors and windows and any other critical elements that you need.

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Planning Application

Once you are happy with the proposed plans, all of the other planning documentation e.g. the Design and Access statement as well as the planning application can be filled out and then submitted to the local authority.

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Validation and Planning Procedure

Once the planning application is submitted to the local authority, they must first validate the application (this can take up to two weeks depending on the local authority). Once the application has been validated, it will then be given an application reference number and become available to view/track on the local authority's online portal. The local authority can take up to eight weeks to generate a decision.

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